Saturday, November 12, 2005


Because I have plans to move on from this blog, to tie it all into a neat package and keep record, I thought I would post entries saved from a blog I called "Molly Teaches." Looking back, I think I was incredibly naive to believe I wouldn't be "found"--my name is everywhere, as is the name of my school, my town, links to webpages, etc. I was still shocked when it happened and incredibly hurt; I felt as if my privacy was invaded. But in truth, I'd written these posts without protecting them and put them on the web, a kind of permanent declaration of my struggles. I don't know if anyone has a "right" to privacy when they keep a blog. I'm always surprised at friends who are shy when it comes to blogging but do so anyway. I am voyeuristic myself--though I do still get ruffled when I think of my students reading through these posts--how easily vulnerable we all become then.

This is my marking point between the blog that was discovered and the blog that I began immediately after. Now that I am moving in a month, I kind of feel nostalgic about these past posts.

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