Monday, November 19, 2007


Today's weather: fog. It was beautiful outside my classroom window, seeing the fog come in over the plains, between the trees.

Tonight: chaperoning a choir concert. I had forgotten how beautiful choral music can sound; I had also forgotten how horrifying some of those beginning choirs can be tortured with those goofy dance moves in their slick robes. I was proud to hear my students' voices ring out. I may be allergic to musicals for a long while, but maybe I can find it in my heart to come see them.

I turned in my review to CutBank. I hope they like it, I hope it will appear, I hope I can review again. I enjoyed the experience; it will also boost my paltry c.v.

I've been thinking a lot about education, about coursework, about furthering my own experiences. I've been thinking about lessons (how I miss the violin), about quiet work, about method.

Here are my ducks:

- Autumn 2007: Intermedia Writer-to-Writer Mentorship with Jude Nutter
- December 1: Poetry Revision at the Loft Literary Center
- January 2008: Poetry Revision Workshop at the Palm Beach Poetry Festival
- Late Winter 2008: Printmaking & Letterpress with Scott King at Red Dragonfly Press through the Anderson Center

I am thinking about the introductory bookbinding course at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts...

1 comment:

chelsea said...

how can you have posted since i checked this a few moments ago? sheesh.

i noticed your amazon wishlist and (1) am jealous that you thought to put it as a sidebar (so much smarter!) and (2) must inform you that some of those books are already in my "save for employee appreciation week." (so i guess i'm smart too?)