Tuesday, July 24, 2007

hometown swap

I've always found swaps weeks or months too late... little 5 x 7 art swaps, or craft swaps. I found the hometown swap just in time. The assignment: put together little bits of your hometown to share with another creative blogger.

Of course, as you all know, I am new to this place, so "hometown" is a little tricky. I could put together bits of Chattanooga and Green Bay and have a Frankenstein monster hometown... but because this place is feeling more and more like home, and because I celebrate being from Minnesota, here it was.

You can see bits of my package above, being sent to this blogger, and bits of what I received below, from this blogger, who hails from Washington, DC.


EWH said...

You have truly ventured into a realm of blogging that is beyond anything I've ever imagined. Reach out and touch someone, eh? You're lovely.

michelle said...

How did you find out about this? It sounds like a lot of fun and something I'd like to take part in :) Fill me in! :)

Brambleberry said...

So much fun! Swaps are such a great way to connect, aren't they?! So much fun to get to know a creative mind by the things they compile...and so much fun to represent yourself in a little box of goodies.

Good stuff. Indeed!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Your package looks fantastic! Swaps look like a blast, but I've never gotten in on one, but I'm working on it :-) And can I just say I was grinning ear to ear over that cookie cutter? I tought Texans were the only ones who were partial to the shape of their state!