Tuesday, June 12, 2007

week six: small pleasures

Sunday: Penelope and Zephyr have day two of a play date weekend. Logger is like a dog track rabbit--a temptation for the bigger dogs to chase after. That night, K and I spend hours in the garden, transferring seedlings to little caves in the ground. Neighbors walk by, greeting our leaping dogs, and wish us good luck on the corn. We are astounded at how many mushrooms we find in the grass, pressed between green stalks.

Monday: Chaos in the classroom leads me to call the yoga studio, reminds me that I am still learning to breathe in a way that is calming. I woke up late today, but it doesn't cause me to panic; instead, I am glad at the extra time I have in bed. I have found motivation to start packing my classroom, something I had been previously lacking. This is my last chance, my last week, my last Monday in this place. And: this video.

Tuesday: Last day with seniors and first day of several in saying good-bye. Sad, but also moving on, finding a new place in my life. The joy of saying good-bye to a group of kids I've truly enjoyed working with, carrying that memory with me

Wednesday: Exam day one. Discovering how quickly boxes can be filled. Remembering, over the sorrow, that this is freedom.

Thursday: Late night celebrations--surviving my last day with students at This High School.

Friday: Saying good-bye gracefully, or with moderate grace, keeping tears back as best I can, and knowing Emily is one of my most precious friends as I make my way through this afternoon. Then, the thrill of camping, something I haven't done in so long, like riding a bike.

Saturday: Two hikes, slick sweat, making it through, back up to the top. Having another good friend help me up, knowing these are the best people to do this with, Angie and Lane and Chad, our trio from Winona. The slowness of meals, slowing us down for true conversation, and not being as afraid of ticks or sleeping on the ground or the ghostly shape of what's in the woods. And the foursome in the tent: me and K and the dogs, a little family with another branch of the family across the way in two tents.

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