Thursday, May 03, 2007

last night I will see this

Tonight I say the first of a string of good-byes. Tonight was good-bye to the musical. I will see pieces of it tomorrow before Friday's show, but I am flying out to Boston tomorrow evening, so I will not see if we receive any standing ovations (or rather, if my co-director and the students receive it--they are the ones who have put in the work, the flesh, the heart of the show), I will not get to see the improv of each night, the variations that each show brings. This makes me sad and if I were given the option to stay this weekend or go to Boston, I'm not sure what my answer would be. Duty would keep me here, passion for the students and the production, but the need for escape, to seek solace in a brief adventure and a loving family I will soon be tied to.

Congratulations to the cast and crew. This was a glorious experience for me and though doctor's appointments and family obligations kept me at a distance, I had a lovely time. And I send best wishes to Michelle whose husband has a new job, so here's to a new and much-deserved future; may you find yourself up on stage and joyous there.

And I leave you with images of our promotion for the musical--staff wearing the costumes of our students. Nice timing for me, as we began Act I of Romeo and Juliet today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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