Saturday, May 24, 2008

up barn bluff

I am grateful for:

- Living in a place that has this beauty so nearby.
- Learning more about the landscape of here, now.
- Girl friends who are held close in your heart.
- Clever students who make good company.
- (The patience these two had while I took endless photographs.)
- Six hours in the fresh air.
- Juice and roughage at a local coffee shop after.

You can see more photographs from our trips up Barn Buff here.

Also, in anticipation of the blog move, I've created a new photo blog as accompaniment: from the field. The goal is to take a photograph of the natural world on a regular basis, perhaps even once a day, but with a more critical eye than something like today's collection (though this is winnowing even from the entire collection I uploaded onto Flickr!), perhaps limited to no more than three images per post. I don't intend, as of yet, to end my standard photo a day project, as I've really loved the way it documents my life in a simplistic manner.


Anonymous said...

Those photos are gorgeous. So much greenery.... : )


Anonymous said...

Simply lovely!