Wednesday, February 13, 2008

start :: restart

Note: Harry Houdini is available here

The letterpress course I signed up for with Scott King of Red Dragonfly Books was sadly canceled, but we are fortunate to have the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts only an hour away. So starting tonight, I will be taking Letterpress I on Wednesday nights*. I just checked the course listings on a whim, since the cancellation occurred a week or so ago, and it was lucky timing. I also have a course on Bookbinding there, starting next week. Watch out world, you might be getting some funky holiday presents.

Every disappointment is another opportunity.

My girl friends over on our poetry blog have been so kind to me, helping me keeping my head tethered to my shoulders in this time of easy panic. I don't want to live with this heart-in-my-throat feeling for the next month; it seems so awfully pointless. These questions were posed to me in the decision making process:

- Will this make my spirit happy?
- Will it be fun?
- Will it be healthy for me?
- Is my heart 100% invested in this?

She went on to say that if the answers are four yeses, and this comes from a place of internal conviction, that people who love me will support me.

Maybe this is what it is all about: if all the external forces were to fall away, would decisions such as these be easier? My husband is such a large factor; I cannot help that. He is my family now.

What I need now, are all the cards. What I need now, is to cease the what-if game.

* Edit: Letterpress class was full, so I will catch it on the next go-round.

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