Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the great honeymoon debate

We think we'll get our passports in time. But we're not certain. We had been originally thinking New Zealand. Then I added Ireland and he added Iceland, and it became a trio to debate. We settled on Ireland, but now it's a month and a half away, and we haven't plane tickets, hotel rooms, or assurances that our passports with our sweat stained brows and strained smiles will appear in time. So we began to think about the United States. Our goal is to find a place where neither of us have traveled--therefore, England, France, Scotland, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada (well, does it count if you've just driven through?) and the Bahamas are off our list, due to my kind grandparents. And with the United States, our list became more narrow, the states most appealing being struck quickly: Hawaii, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, California, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, Tennessee, Florida. What is left that might be on our list? Maine. Alaska.

Note that whatever we decide, we will go to these other places on our list. Maybe even next year, for our one year wedding anniversary, we can start going to these places--maybe even as each anniversary passes, we'll add a place we wanted to go each time, saving the closer suggestions (Door County, Canada) for when it isn't as easy to travel. This way, we can vow to each other that we'll fill up that map, we'll not stop traveling each magical summer, as I hope will be the case.

I suppose I could say we are open to suggestions. I don't know if we will take any of them [grin], and as of the moment I am writing this, it is sounding like Maine. K has been delightfully patient with me as I change my mind every moment; his only input is that he doesn't think overseas will work out, given the passport slow down and the lack of any kind of concrete plans. A trip to Maine or Alaska is easier to let fall into place.

We love to travel. We love to explore. I am certain, as with all other things regarding this wedding, that it will work out, and it will be wonderful regardless. I think the best thing about all of this is the partnership: I am marrying the love of my life in 53 days.


Anonymous said...

You just can't go wrong with Ireland-- it would have it ALL. Of course, I've never been there-- but it seems so dreamy!!


Annie Ringo Vine said...

Maine is wonderful and pretty in the summer. Try to find someplace where you can escape the summer masses of tourists though...

Alex S said...

Happy Almost Wedding! If you do decide to stay local in the States, a GREAT road trip might be starting in Santa Barbara, CA, going up the coast through San Luis Obispo, Carmel, Big Sur, Santa Cruz, San Fran, then up to Montecito, then into Oregon's amazing Mt Shasta region, ASHLAND (AMAZING little theatre town), up the coast, through Seattle, and ending in Victoria in Canada. If you do start in So. Cal, check out El Capitan to stay at nearby-it looks wonderful!

KeLL said...

I think you should go to Alaska. It's far away compared to the lower 48 and completely different from the rest of the U.S.

EllyJane said...

how exciting!
i am sure anywhere will be beautiful... you have love on your side. :-)

eireann said...

maine is wonderful. if you need recommendations, remind me. my mom and aunt have been staying out on the coast in a tiny little town for a week each october for the past few years.

Anonymous said...

Mollys have long been favorites of mine :-)

Well, I would certainly cast my vote for Maui. Of course, I haven't been in 9 years, but golly it was fantastic.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for making yourself known! I took a brief look at your blog and can see that I'm going to love it. Inspired and delicious already.

All the best,

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