Thursday, September 15, 2005

immature goings-on and visits to the nurse's office

Lakeville South and Lakeville North are playing each other (football) tomorrow night. Someone from North painted on the rock (a tradition at North where the football players put their numbers on it and such)--"Get ur own traditions." I think there are things on the other side, but I don't drive past that side, and I haven't had the energy to go walk past it. So in retaliation, because we cannot just accept that some bonehead(s) did something mean, someone(some people) from South went and (this is rumor, so I'm not sure yet) painted their rock bright orange and wrote "LS" (or "South"--I've heard two things) in bleach on their football field. Now that's not very funny. Replacing sod is expensive business, and destroying memories is a pretty crummy thing to do too. And there's that whole "they started it" business. I don't want to get all revved up against North; I have friends there. Half of my colleagues just came from there, but they're all grumpy, and it sounds like their loyalty easily moved to the new school. I hope that this ends it, though as my friend Ryan from the cohort said, it has the potential to get much worse.

I also got to take a student to the nurse's office today, though it was well after the office was closed. One of the juniors in the drama stuff was doing a bit during auditions and he sort of got a really nasty rug burn on his stomach and arm. I ended up helping him find the trainer, and he seems fine now. Frustrated (at many other things, among them the degree to which he will be involved in the lighting) but fine.

Things are beginning to get into a pattern. I feel a lot better about my classes, and my tired level is starting to not be such a problem. I'm going to bed about half an hour earlier, and I think I'm going to try to shoot for about 9:30 each night. I still groan when the alarm goes off (hey, the sun isn't even up when I leave and it's still summer-ish!), but I feel better at the end of the day. I also have much more affection for my 5th hour class and don't tell anyone, but I might want to stick with Comm-11. Huh. (We'll see though because there is a huge variety of classes I'd love to teach one day... AP, Creative Writing, World Lit, Modern Lit, Theatre, to name a few.)

Anyway, I need to watch a movie with Ryan before I head on up to bed. Our house is taking shape, but it's going to be a long weekend of unpacking and cleaning, I can tell. We're getting closer to being done and have a real chance this weekend. My best friend Kelly and her new special guy friend are coming for the weekend, so it better look decent!

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